Agir Ensemble Pour l'Ukraine
Do you want to help us?
Volunteering your time
I join the association by clicking here , and I don't forget to tick the box "I want to become a volunteer" when I fill in my details.
I will then automatically be contacted by email for future calls for volunteers.
I want to be more actively involved, I let the association know by email, Messenger or Instagram.
Donate money
Every donation is tax-deductible!
The money will be used to pay, among other things, for the fuel for the convoys to Ukraine, to complete the donations we send, and also to help accompany the refugees in our department in various ways.
By clicking here.
Or by bank transfer
If you prefer to make a bank transfer :
IBAN : FR09 3000 2022 0000 0084 3409 S95
I can also join without getting involved in volunteering, it is also a way to support the association in its actions.
By clicking here.
Material donation
We only send what is needed locally, needs change and our contacts in Ukraine help us target their needs over time.
needs change and our contacts in Ukraine help us to target their needs over time.
Medicines, food, hygiene products, first aid equipment.
to find out the current material needs.
By clicking here.
You can bring your donations on Saturday from 12am to 4pm,
at 24 square de Verdun, 63400 Chamalières.
View the map
Take part in a convoy
Do you have a van to lend for the next convoy?
Or would you like to donate a vehicle to the association?
Contact us
Provide housing
who will send me a form to fill in and return to them.